Declining Student Enrollment, Age Limits in Congress, and Our Support for Veterans

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Around the Upper Peninsula

DECLINING STUDENT ENROLLMENT: School administrators, school board members and legislators are watching K-12 enrollment numbers. Increasing student enrollment means an increase in state aid. The opposite is obviously also true. Upper Peninsula school leaders, including teachers, are very concerned about student enrollment. Nationally, a report from the Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education (WICHE) states that the number of high school graduates will reach a record high in 2025, and then steadily decline for the next decade or so. We have been talking with educators about this and will report more over the next months.

University and colleges in the Upper Peninsula also are somewhat dependent on K-12 enrollment numbers. A decline in K-12 enrollment could lead to a decreased number of UP students enrolled at UP higher education institutions. We have seen enrollment increases at some UP universities/colleges recently but this could change if the above WICHE report is accurate.

Declining enrollment at all levels could lead to local reduction in employees and less spending by these laid off employees and the institutions in the local economy. Could have a huge impact on life in the UP.

AGE LIMITS IN CONGRESS: We heard from lots of folks around the Upper Peninsula about our recent mentions of this topic. Heard lots of support for age limits for all federally elected officials. 79% of Americans are supportive of age limits for elected folks in Washington DC. There are not many issues that get 79% of Americans to agree on anything.

The question is what age should be the limit. In the private sector and in some places in the public sector the age limit is around 65 years of age. Recently former US Senator Stabenow of Michigan announced that at 73 years old it was time for new blood and she was not running again. The US Constitution sets a minimum age for Congress and the Presidency but not a maximum age. The Michigan Constitution has a provision for age limits for state judges. Time for a national debate or do you think it is just not an issue and/or not the time for this debate–too many other important issues to deal with right now? Let us know what you are thinking.

Around the World


“There are approximately 15 million living veterans in the US. Their average age is 58 years old. They represent a wide variety of men and women with some in their 90’s as the last of World War II and Korea era veterans hang on. And also many young men and women in their early 20’s who did one or two bumps during the longest war in US history. About 10 million veterans use the VA annually. The newly proposed Department of Government Efficiency is proposing a $119 million cut in veteran health care.” On Democracy. Wellman. 12.4.24.

Quotes That Make Us Go Hmmm

“You should always go to other people”s funerals, otherwise, they won’t come to yours.” Yogi Berra.

“When you worship power, compassion and mercy will look like sins.” Benjamin Cremer.

Books Recommended by Our Readers

“A Certain Idea of America. Selected Writings.” Peggy Noonan. 2024.

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David Haynes

David Haynes has served as a professor of public administration and public policy. He previously has served as President of Northern Michigan University. David has been involved in the public administration and political science field for over 45 years.


  1. Steve Coron on January 28, 2025 at 8:42 am

    Hi David.
    This “transplanted” Yooper appreciates you site. Stay warm up there!

  2. Steve Coron on January 28, 2025 at 8:48 am

    Regarding your open question about age limits. This “ageist” notion is fine as long as all the rookies pay me to consult.

  3. Thomas Solka on January 28, 2025 at 8:55 am

    I support Constitutional amendments at the state and federal level setting upper age limits for elected office holders.

    The voters of Michigan wisely incorporated just such a provision in our state Constitution of 1963 in Article VI Sec. 19, applicable to all Judicial positions in the state: “No person shall be elected or appointed to a judicial office after reaching the age of 70 years.” As worded, that provision does not prohibit a judge from completing a term a term of office after age 70, so long as the judge was less than age 70 when elected or appointed. I served three terms as an elected Circuit Court Judge – 18 years. I could have ran for a fourth term at age 68, and completed that term at age 74. Instead, I chose to retire at age 68, and returned to private practice as a Mediator.

    I support a similar provision for all state and federal office holders – up to, and including the office of President of the U.S.

  4. phyllis m ramos on January 30, 2025 at 8:46 am

    I support the idea and Thomas Solka’s thoughtful comments, but I think it would all get lost in the chaos of Trump time. I do think Trump is looking to become a dictator, constitution be damned, so his folks would likely pretend to discuss and arrive at a consensus but if it ever got to the president’s desk he’d veto it. sigh

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