Featured Podcast: Oversight Matters Episode 2: Senator Carl Levin
By Rural Insights | May 2, 2021
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The Levin Center at Wayne Law recently released the second episode of its podcast, “Oversight Matters,” featuring the Center’s founder and chairman, retired Senator Carl Levin as the guest. This most recent podcast series will feature stories from across the country about the people – elected officials, legislative staff, members of the media, and nonprofit leaders – who bring to light the facts about the pressing issues of our time”, according to the Levin Center.
Listen to the episode here: https://law.wayne.edu/levin-center/oversight-matters
About This Episode
“There are so many important oversight stories happening in Washington, D.C. and around the country but too often this critical work goes unnoticed. Our goal is to share interviews with a diverse set of oversight experts and leaders, and let people know how essential oversight is for good governance.” said Ben Eikey, the host of Oversight Matters. There are important fact gathering efforts happening every day in legislatures across the country. The Levin Center is dedicated to strengthening bipartisan, fact-based oversight necessary for informed debate and sound public policy, and this podcast is part of this broader effort.”
The Levin Center at Wayne State Law School presents “Oversight Matters,” a podcast series on legislative oversight. This podcast is a behind-the-scenes look at important oversight and investigations by both state legislatures and Congress and the people involved in such work. You will hear personal stories and learn how legislators and their staffs uncover waste, fraud, and abuse in government programs as well as the facts behind important public policy reforms. You’ll also hear how bipartisanship can strengthen the value of oversight and foster constructive debate in our democracy. Hosted by the Levin Center’s Ben Eikey.