Remember the 988 Crisis Help Line, UP and Statewide Primary Day, New K-12 Parent Advisory Council, Michigan Minimum Wage Increase

This Week in Rural Insights
On Wednesday we will be publishing an article by Erika Sauter about the only verified meteorite to ever be found in the UP.
This is a unique and fascinating piece of UP history that you won’t want to miss!
Remember 988 Crisis Help Line Now Live in Michigan
If you are in a mental health crisis or are suicidal, dial or text 988 and you will be able to talk to a trained mental health professional and get help. Don’t hesitate–call or text 988.
UP Veterans, All Veterans, May Also Dial or Text 988-1 and Talk to a Veteran Mental Health Professional
Don’t hesitate. Call if you need help. America owes you the help. You gave your all for your country and now let them help you in a crisis. As a fellow veteran I urge you: Call. Call. Call.
UP and Statewide Primary Day on August 2nd: Don’t Forget to Vote
Michiganders will be voting this Tuesday, August 2nd, to pick candidates to move onto the General election in November 2022. So if you want a say in that, don’t forget to vote this Tuesday. Your vote DOES make a difference–contrary to what you read on Twitter.
In the UP we have lots of primaries this year. Your state Senate and House districts have primaries and need your vote. There are statewide office holders that have primaries that you should not forget to vote for on Tuesday.
Don’t forget to vote in local election primaries also. The most innovation in democracy happens in state and local governments and communities. So get out and vote for them.
If you care about state and local policy making, make sure you vote for who you support. Take a look at where they stand on issues and how they will make sure there is a rural perspective in all state laws/policies and regulations.
Attention UP School Parents: Parent Advisory Council Created by Governor
If you have school-age children and live in Michigan, you can have a word on K-12 education policy via a new Parents Council created by the Governor. Nine people will be appointed to the Council. One of those hopefully will be from the Upper Peninsula–we hope.
If you live in the UP and have kids in school and want to have a voice for rural kids and education policy, send your name into the Governor’s office via email or phone. Let her know that you think one of the seats should go to a parent in the UP and that you would like to serve.
If you do not want to serve then write the Governor and urge her to make sure one of the seats on the new Parents Council goes to a parent from the UP.
It is important for a rural UP voice be at every policy table in Michigan. If you are interested in K-12 education policy send in your name and tell other parents about this so they can get their name into the mix also in the Governor’s office.
Even if you do not want to serve on the Parent’s Council let the Governor know that you want someone from the Upper Peninsula appointed to speak to the education rural issues in the Upper Peninsula. That will help a lot to assure that we get a voice.
You can go to and go to the Governor’s office link to find out more about this and to find email addresses.
There is also a regional Governor’s Office in Marquette. Also call there for more help.
Minimum Wage Increase Due to Court Ruling
Upper Peninsula hospitality workers might be in for a huge salary increase, as well as other minimum wage workers, after a recent Michigan Court of Claims ruling.
The Court of Claims recently ruled that laws raising Michigan minimum wage and assuring paid sick time are constitutional and are restored after a legislative action to block the raise.
Unless a stay is ordered, the minimum wage for hospitality “tipped” workers went from $3.75 an hour to $9.60 an hour. Also other minimum wage workers would go from $9.87 to $12 an hour immediately. This is a huge ruling for minimum wage workers.
However, as expected court appeals have already been filed and stays requested in attempt to prevent these increases from going into effect immediately.
We will keep watching this one. In the meantime, don’t forget to tip hospitality workers because they are only paid $3.75 an hour plus tips by their employers until this issue is settled in the courts. If you can afford it, tip big.
Quotes That Make Us Go Hmmm
“Learn from Darwin. Spend less time trying to figure out the best path to get where we want to go and spend more time thinking about where we want to go in the first place.” Russ Roberts, President of Shalem College.
“The true lawgiver ought to have a full heart of sensibility. He ought to love and respect his kind and to fear himself.” Edmund Burke.
Books Recommended By Our Readers
“The Spy Who Knew Too Much—An Ex CIA Officer’s Quest Through A Legacy Of Betrayal.” Howard Blum. 2022. (Non Fiction).
We try to bring you informed brevity. We believe the only way to speak truth to power is to understand both sides of an issue.
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Rural Insights connects policy, information, news and culture to raise topics and stories/information you might have not seen or overlooked. We bring you original writing from Rural Insights and other researchers, change makers, and storytellers, as well as our latest research and analysis.
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