Our POLITICS + POLICY category provides users with an extensive list of articles dealing with past, present, and future issues relating to politics and policy throughout the UP.

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Whispers, Noise & Rumors: June 15, 2020

State revenue woes continue, more on revenue options, state prison population during COVID, and a Marquette rumor from whisperers. Read more in this week’s Whispers, Noise & Rumors.

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Rural students face unique technological challenges amid COVID-19 pandemic

Educational challenges affect students in rural areas differently than in urban and suburban areas. Without sufficient access to technology like computers and high-speed internet, rural students are not going to have the same educational opportunities simply because of where their family calls home.

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Paper examines challenges faced by veterans in rural America

Rural Insights contributor Jesse Sherman examined some of the challenges faced by veterans in rural America, in a recently-published paper.

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Can the UP economy overcome COVID-19?

Former Marquette City Manager Bill Vajda weighs in on a question occupying many people’s minds these days: can Upper Peninsula communities overcome the economic challenges wrought by COVID-19?

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Becoming a rural veteran

“Nothing was the same. The friends I had known two decades ago were gone, or exactly as they had been 22 years earlier; my family were older, many had passed, and the number of people crowded all around me was a difficult situation to adjust to.” Army Veteran Michael Rutledge, who served two decades in the service, provides insight into the challenges returning home and how the rural lifestyle of Marquette and the Upper Peninsula helped him readjust.

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