Veteran Data: Population by County with Age Considerations in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula
This report is part of a series of research papers put together for Rural Insights to examine United States military veterans living in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. One purpose of this group is to create a comprehensive profile of these veterans, and to take a closer look at the “Post-9/11” demographic segment. This report will cover the veteran populations of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula by county, with data broken-out for veterans between the ages of 17-44. This particular age group is the closest numerical representation of the Post-9/11 veterans, although it cannot be regarded as complete due to the fact that some veterans who are older than 44 are also likely to be among the Post-9/11 group as well. (Veteran Population)
The following data describes the Upper Peninsula’s veteran population by county, starting with the most populated county (Marquette) to the least populated (Keweenaw).
- Marquette County – 66,516 residents. 5,592 veterans. 984 between the ages of 17-44.
- Chippewa County – 37,517 residents. 3,122 veterans. 582 between the ages of 17-44.
- Houghton County – 36,219 residents. 2,523 veterans. 392 between the ages of 17-44.
- Delta County – 35,857 residents. 3,635 veterans. 473 between the ages of 17-44.
- Dickenson County – 25,383 residents. 2,456 veterans. 400 between the ages of 17-44.
- Menominee County – 22,983 residents. 2,072 veterans. 239 between the ages of 17-44.
- Gogebic County – 15,096 residents. 1,464 veterans. 154 between the ages of 17-44.
- Iron County – 11,117 residents. 1,265 veterans. 99 between the ages of 17-44.
- Mackinac County – 10,878 residents. 960 veterans. 100 between the ages of 17-44.
- Alger County – 9,097 residents. 875 veterans. 84 between the ages of 17-44.
- Baraga County – 8,320 residents. 721 veterans. 100 between the ages of 17-44.
- Schoolcraft County – 8,068 residents. 699 veterans. 79 between the ages of 17-44.
- Luce County – 6,238 residents. 486 veterans. 54 between the ages of 17-44.
- Ontonagon County – 5,795 residents. 845 veterans. 63 between the ages of 17-44.
- Keweenaw County – 2,113 residents. 274 veterans. 12 between the ages of 17-44.
This data can be used to aid further research regarding certain demographic trends among the veteran population residing in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. This report is a subset of a series of reports designed to create a comprehensive profile of this specific veteran population. Further analysis of this population dataset will be useful for revealing more detail regarding Post-9/11 veterans in the UP.
“FY2018 VA Disability Compensation and Pension Recipients by County of Residence.” Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Enterprise Integration, United States Veterans Eligibility Trends & Statistics (USVETS)2018, National Center for Veterans Analysis & Statistics, 1 Oct. 2019, www.va.gov/vetdata.
“Veteran Population.” US Census Bureau, Department of Veterans Affairs, Nov. 2019, www.va.gov/vetdata/Veteran_Population.asp.