Veteran Homeless Numbers in Michigan Increase, Governor’s UP Cabinet Meeting, and Michigan’s Veterans in Congress

Veteran Homeless Numbers In Michigan Increase
An annual survey by the US Housing and Urban Development Department of the homeless found 8,638 people in Michigan who were homeless on a single night in January 2020, an increase of 0.7% from 2019, though veteran homelessness was up by nearly 7%.
The survey is a snapshot of one night in January 2020. Interestingly Michigan’s numbers of homeless have decreased by almost 70% since 2007, according to the survey.
It also reported that 88% of the homeless were sheltered in emergency shelters or transitional centers.
Governor’s Cabinet Meeting In The Upper Peninsula
Been a long while since a Michigan Governor has convened a cabinet meeting in the Upper Peninsula. Observers tell us that long ago Governor Milliken (R) did just that in the UP and then sent his cabinet members around the UP to talk with citizens and community leaders about their priorities and needs.
Interesting idea. Might be an idea to copy for Governor Whitmer post COVID 19 to try again. Many believe it would be very popular in the Upper Peninsula.
Maybe once a year the state legislature could find a venue in the Upper Peninsula to convene for a few days so citizens in the UP could experience the process of lawmaking first hand.
Any ideas for sites to do this around the UP? One whisperer suggested the Superior Dome in Marquette on NMU’s campus. There must be other sites around the peninsula–what are they?
Veterans In Congress–Michigan Delegation Looks Better Than Others
The 117th Congress convened this year with 91 military veterans among their members in the US Senate and the US House–the lowest number since WWII.
Michigan’s 14-member congressional delegation however has three members who are veterans: US Senator Gary Peters, the Upper Peninsula’s Congressman Jack Bergman and Congressman Peter Meijer from Grand Rapids.
A better number than many other states, but could and should be higher according to many veteran advocates. They believe that veterans might come out better served in public policy with more military veterans in congress.
According to the Military Times: “The number of veterans in Congress has declined almost steadily since the mid-1970s, as the military shifted from an end strength of largely drafted individuals to an all-volunteer force. In 1973, nearly three in every four members of Congress had some type of military service. In 2021, it’ll be about one in every six members who have military experience.”
Wonder how the Michigan Legislature looks in numbers of military veteran members?
Quotes (That Make You Go Hmmm…)
“The more I learn about people the more I like my dog.” Mark Twain.
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms–to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.” Viktor Frankl.
Books (Recommended By Our Readers)
“The Square and the Tower.” Niall Ferguson. 2021.
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