Paper examines challenges faced by veterans in rural America

In a recent paper, Rural Insights contributor Jesse Sherman examined some of the challenges faced by veterans in rural America.
“Living in rural America presents challenges, especially in regard to the Veteran Affairs efforts to provide veterans with easy access to quality health care.
When compared to urban rates nationally, rural areas are more likely to have higher poverty rates (Office of Rural Health). Rural areas also tend to have more elderly residents, which contributes to a higher rate of residents with poor health. Rural areas additionally have fewer physician practices, hospitals and other health delivery options.
Like their civilian counterparts, rural veterans face challenges that urban civilians and veterans do not have, like hospital closings, limited availability of viable housing, education, employment and transportation options.
Rural veterans often have limited access to broadband internet and generally have higher uninsured rates than urban veterans do. Geographic and distance barriers present obstacles to health care access for veterans, and in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (UP), inclement weather can also be a major issue. The purpose of this report is to develop a better understanding of the rural veteran demographic in the UP.”
You can view the full paper here.