Isabelle Karl

David Haynes has served as a professor of public administration and public policy. He previously has served as President of Northern Michigan University. David has been involved in the public administration and political science field for over 45 years.

The Impact of Child Care in Rural Upper Peninsula and Compared to Three Urban Counties in Lower Michigan

Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, though facing much higher rates of poverty and unemployment, sees comparable costs…

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Whispers, Noise & Rumors: May 11, 2020

U.P. festival cancellations, state revenue projections, universities opening campuses, and public health investment. Read the latest in this week’s edition of Rural Whispers, Noise & Rumors.

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Thinking about Michigan’s state and local government financial future

A recent webinar put on by the Citizens Research Council shed some light on the financial future of Michigan’s state and local governments.

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Impact of COVID-19 on rural businesses and the Upper Peninsula communities

The Marquette Downtown Development Authority recently conducted a study to know what some local business owners are saying about when businesses should open, which should open first, and how it all impacts the employees of these businesses and the owners.

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Whispers, Noise & Rumors: May 4, 2020

State budget cuts, Dark Stores, rural capital investment, and summer festivals in the U.P. Read about these issues in our first edition of Rural Whispers, Noise & Rumors.

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Michigan needs a Rural Policy Director

Michigan’s official state motto is: “Si Quæris Peninsulam Amœnam Circumspice,” or, “If you seek a…

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What is rural?

Our nation is made up of rural, urban and suburban areas. The federal and state…

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